Dear PRI Staff,
We share this update on COVID protocols across our community in an effort to clarify our approach as we work to strike a balance between meeting the requirements imposed by the province and limiting the negative impacts on our programming.
Our priority will continue to be the health of our staff and students.
We will continue to evaluate things in the weeks to come. The following approach is in place until Thanksgiving:
If you are sick, for any reason, please stay home.
If you are experiencing respiratory illness symptoms, for whatever reason, you should:
- Stay home from work (self-isolate) while you are experiencing symptoms
- You may return to work when your symptoms have been resolving for 24 hours (48 hours if you were experiencing GI symptoms).
If you have confirmed that the illness was COVID-19 either through a Rapid Antigen or PCR test:
- We ask that you wear a mask when you return to work for the remaining time which totals 10 days from the onset of your symptoms
- Please do not remove your mask in proximity to students or staff. YCs that have a team will revert to sitting two metres away from their team or at a nearby table during meals.
NOTE: The updated list of COVID symptoms and combination of symptoms is provided in the attachment here.
Surveillance Testing
Please be reminded that our surveillance testing protocol remains in place:
- Full-time staff are asked to rapid test twice weekly – at the beginning and midway through your weekly shift
- Part-time staff are asked to rapid test prior to the commencement of their shift
- Should you have a positive test but remain asymptomatic you can continue working but must wear a mask for 10 days from the time of your positive test. If symptoms develop, you will go home until symptoms have been resolving for 24 hours.
Close Contact
If you have been in close contact with a COVID-positive individual, you may be at work however are asked to wear a mask for 10 days. If you become symptomatic, you are asked to go home and isolate until symptoms are resolving for 24 hours (48 hours if you experienced GI symptoms).
Please be reminded that all are welcome to choose to mask at any time., Especially as we move into cold and flu season, some members of our community may have a heightened sense of protection for vulnerable family members etc. We have a good supply of masks and rapid tests so please make use of them.
Campus and Lang House
Students exhibiting symptoms (in accordance with the list provided here from public health):
- Will be required to isolate until their symptoms have been resolving for 24 hours (48 hours if they were experiencing GI symptoms)
- Will rapid test every day while they are symptomatic
- Will be required to mask outside their bedroom for 10 days from the onset of symptoms if they have been COVID positive
- Close contacts with a COVID-positive individual will also be masked for 10 days when outside their bedroom
- Depending on the number of students involved at any one time, this will mean potential changes to meal arrangements for those students during that 10-day period.
- Students returning from home visits will continue to be tested:
- Should they have a positive test but remain asymptomatic, they can continue with their programming however must wear a mask for 10 days when outside their bedroom from the time of the positive test. If symptoms develop, the student would isolate until symptoms have been resolving for 24 hours
- Where space permits, the student will be moved to a vacant room.
We may implement a regime of surveillance testing within the cohort in order to stay on top of any contagion impact.
Students exhibiting symptoms (in accordance with the list provided here from public health):
- Will wear a mask when in close proximity to other staff and students when around campsite and will limit food prep activities
- Will rapid test while they are symptomatic
The situation will be closely monitored and decisions made in the best interests of students and staff at the time
Protocols for family visits remain the same:
- Families are asked to postpone visits if they are feeling unwell
- Families are asked to rapid test on the day of their visit, prior to visiting
- For those who do not have access to rapid tests at home, they are asked to call ahead to make arrangements to have a rapid test brought to them on their arrival to campus/Lang House, administer the test themselves, and await a negative test result before proceeding with their visit
Our Admissions protocol will remain unchanged and include COVID testing prior to admission.
Students are tested the day prior to admission at home
Students are tested by drivers at the pick-up site
Students admission will be delayed if they test COVID positive or if the student is experiencing COVID-like symptoms.
You have all been outstanding over the last two years as we have navigated the challenges of this pandemic. I appreciate the frustration some may feel at the thought of wearing a mask or encouraging our kids to wear masks again. We have all enjoyed being able to see the smiling faces of our colleagues and students over these past five months.
Try to keep in mind these are eased protocols from where we were a year ago and likely represent our new normal during the peak of “COVID/flu season”.
Thank you for your ongoing support,