Dear PRI Staff,
We would like to update you on the COVID situation on campus:
Four more students in the main building (Upper Dorm) have tested positive for COVID.
- They are in their rooms on sick days at present and will be reassessed tomorrow morning.
- If their symptoms are resolving then, they will return to the community and be required to wear masks for 10 days from symptom onset/positive test.
- We will not be sending any students to the OLE from campus while experiencing an outbreak ( none were planned for next week)
No new students have tested positive for COVID in today’s surveillance testing at Moffat House.
Two additional staff members have tested positive for COVID.
Given the rapid spread within our community, we would like to reinforce the following:
Moffat House shall remain as its own cohort, staying separate from the main building cohorts while we are in this outbreak.
We will continue with daily surveillance testing of all students for now.
Students who have tested positive for COVID in these recent days will be reminded of the importance of wearing their masks for the full 10 days from symptom onset.
Close contacts (students and staff) are also required to mask for 10 days.
As a reminder, close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet of a COVID positive individual, without a mask on, for more than 15 minutes. Given the spread within our community at the moment, it is likely many of those in direct support of the students will be a close contact and should be masking.
During mealtimes, we will continue to separate those who have tested positive/close contacts.
Family visits will continue over the weekend, and families are being made aware of the spread on Campus so they can respond accordingly. They are being reminded to rapid test on the morning of their visit, prior to arrival.
Given the situation in the main building, and the reduced numbers able to participate, the Guelph Grotto outing has been postponed
A planned outing for a group from Moffat House to the Royal Winter Fair will go ahead.