Campus welcomed donors to the refurbished and expanded dining hall, Neal Hall, to celebrate the new welcome space. Our kitchen team, under Chef Ron, put on a fabulous spread – check out the incredible croquembouche Amy created! (French for “crunch in the mouth”, is a cone-shaped tower of cream puffs bound together by caramel.)

The dining hall expansion was spearheaded by the Neal family – alumni parents of past student Becca who spoke beautifully at the afternoon event.
The impactful bond that Chef Ron and Becca had created during her time at Pine River, and still now as they visited as part of the celebration, was evident — a wonderful example of the contribution every member of the team at PRI makes in the healing process of students and their families.

When the need for expanded dining space became clear as campus expanded with the addition of Moffat House and the funding for more beds, the Neal family was approached by the Foundation because of their connection to Pine River and their family business in healthy food, Neal Brothers.
The Neals rallied friends and contacts in a fundraising effort to initiate the dining hall expansion.
If you missed it previously, you can listen to an interview with Peter Neal about Pine River here.