Clair Fainer, B.S.W., M.S.W

Joined the PRI Board: 2017
Clair Fainer has retired from her position as Executive Director of East Metro Youth Services [EMYS], an accredited community based child and youth mental health center in East Toronto and the Toronto Lead Agency for the MCYS Moving on Mental Health Transformation. While at EMYS Ms. Fainer led several key service innovations including community outreach programs with Chinese, Afghan and Syrian populations, Ontario’s Youth Outreach Worker Program, and Toronto’s what’s up walk-in clinic network.
Ms. Fainer was a key player at both the municipal and provincial levels in program development and implementation, serving on government and sector initiatives ranging from system design to pathways to care. Her background includes many years of diverse work experiences with children, youth and families both in Ontario and Quebec to include community service centers, school social services programs, hospital-based psychiatric clinics and private clinical practice. She has also participated in a program designed to train indigenous community workers in Northern Quebec.
Ms. Fainer was a member of the Board of Directors of Children’s Mental Health Ontario serving as President of the Board, held the position of Chair, Community Advisory Board, Whitby Mental Health Centre, and was a member of the Board of Directors of The Wellesley Institute.